Saturday, June 28, 2014

Rajopadhyaya in News :Rajopadhyay: Plastic ball to national team

Rajopadhyay: Plastic ball to national team

Subrat Rajopadhyay

Part of a series on the lives of sports personalities in Nepal by Arko network, this is basketball star Subrat Rajopadhyay.

As far as challenges go, there isn’t much bigger than taking up sport in a country as politically unstable and economically on the fringes as Nepal.
But there are many who defy all these and gamble into the world of sport hoping to make it big. Subrat Rajopadhyay is one of the many in this country who has followed this path.
Growing up in Kathmandu, basketball wasn’t his first choice of sport but when locals built a basketball court near his house in Indrachowk it was irresistable for a young boy not to have go.
Subrat Rajopadhyay playing at the SABA Championships 2014
Subrat Rajopadhyay playing at the SABA Championships 2014
He probably never thought at the time that having a bit of fun with friends with a plastic ball would one day lead him to represent his country in the game of basketball.
Rajopadhyay says, “that is where I learnt the first rule of basketball – one dribble two steps.”
However his real education in basketball began once he enrolled into Prime College.
“Football was my first choice of sport but I never got the opportunity”, he adds.”Once I joined Prime College, only availble option was basketball.”
What ever reason he had for choosing basketball, he did make it to the national team in 2005.
Injuries kept him out for a while but he made it back into the team this year, appearing at the SABA championships in Kathmandu.
He will be playing at the Morgan Cup which started on June 25, this time round with team Pentagon.
For all the achievements in the domestic games and making it all the way to the national team though, his biggest challenge has always been convincing his parents, that he made the right choice.
Rajopadhyay says, “my parents would still rather see me put on a suit and take up 9 to 5 job.”

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rajopadhyaya in news: ललितपुरमा ब्लड बैङ्क सञ्चालन

ललितपुरमा ब्लड बैङ्क सञ्चालन
·         Posted: Wednesday, Jun 18, 2014 12:51 PM ( 21 hours ago )
ललितपुर, असार ४ –  रगतको अभाव पूरा गर्ने उद्देश्यले ललितपूरमा बुधबारदेखि ब्लड बैङ्क सञ्चालनमा आएको छ ।
नेपाल हर्ट फाउन्डेशन ललितपूर शाखा, रोटरी ईन्टरनेशनल डिस्ट्रिक ३२९२ र नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी ललितपूरको संयुक्त पहलमा ब्लड बैङ्क संचालनमा आएको हो ।

केन्द्रीय रक्तसन्चार केन्द्र अन्तर्गत सन्चालन हुने ब्लड बैंकमा प्राविधिक पक्ष नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी र आर्थिक पक्ष रोटरी इन्टरनेशनल डिस्ट्रिक ३२९२ ले हेर्नेछ ।

ब्लड बैंकमा अहिले रगत संकलनको काम हुने र विस्तारै रक्त तत्व छुट्याउनेदेखि लिएर वितरणसम्मको काम हुने नेपाल हर्ट फाउन्डेसनका सचिव रुपककान्त राजोपाध्यायले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

कोरिया रोटरीको सहयोगमा झण्डै ९० हजार डलरको लागतमा ब्लड बैंक स्थापना गरिएको हो । उद्घाटन कार्यक्रममा कोरिया रोटरीले झण्डै २ लाख डलर बराबरको उपकरण पनि हस्तान्तरण गरेको छ ।

रगत अत्यावश्यक पर्दा भक्तपूर र काठमाडौसम्म पुग्नुपर्ने बाध्यता हटाउनका लागि ललितपुरमा पनि ब्लड बैंक स्थापना गरिएको राजोपाध्यायले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।